Consider joining the ‘Prophetic Word School’ At $69 a month or at R350 a month in South Africa we wish to teach over the next 12 months and 12 courses how to understand the prophetic and minister prophetically.
Pastor Andre Vaynol
Hi friends, Fellow Believers, Saints and Kings,
2Timothy 2: v 15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
There comes a time in most believers’ lives that they want to share their experiences in the Lord. For writers and ministers like me, it is imperative that we share with you the secrets of the Prophetic Word and how to minister into other peoples lives.I want you to learn quickly what I learn t in the last 40 years of serving the Lord Jesus. I will share with you the way of the Holy Spirit. If I look back on my life, I can see victories, failures, strengths, weaknesses, blessings and disasters. Thinking back, I realize that my experience might help encourage other believers or warn them of the dangers and disasters I have faced that may also one day come their way.
What I have decided to do and commit to is to give you 12 months of teachings from the ‘Prophetic Word School’ in the next year. You can join any time and once a month you will receive a ministry pack consisting of various forms of ministry. I will e-mail you a monthly ‘Prophetic Lesson’ including an e- book. The first book we will start off with is ‘The Prophetic Ministry.’ I will also send you via postage, a ministry CD and either a book or magazine from another recognized ministry in what we call the Prophetic Word School Ministry Pack 1.
Once you have completed the course and fulfilled the conditions to serve we will ordain you in the ministry.
On receipt of your contribution, the appropriate ‘Prophetic Word School Ministry’ pack will be forwarded to you. If we do not receive your tuition fee, we will be unable forward that month’s ‘Prophetic Word School Ministry’ pack.
To those who already support this ministry, we ask that you encourage others to join the Prophetic Word School. Irrespective of the date they join, we will commence with the ‘Prophetic Word School Ministry Pack 1’ and monthly thereafter. For the duration of their monthly financial contributions (for the period of twelve months) they will receive the complete set of twelve ministry packs, irrespective of their application date.
All that is required is their Name, Address, Phone Number and E-mail address. We will send them an introduction letter and quote you as the person who referred them to us
Please use the PayPal account as indicated on the home page or a direct EFTS in South Africa to our bank account.
I believe I can impart applicable knowledge and experiences in the course of one year. I believe that you would be able to operate in the prophetic efficiently after the completion of this one year course.
I am able to accommodate 25 students in the USA and 30 students in South Africa.
You will receive the pack within approximately ten days upon receipt of the Prophetic Word School’s e-mail.
I believe we will have an exciting time in the next year and will see revival in our own lives and in the communities we live in.
Enjoy the ‘Word’ – Practice the ‘Word’ and Hide the ‘Word’ in your heart.
Faith, Blessings and Love
Pastor Andre Vaynol