Middle East


January 2012

Before typing this letter I had a dream and it woke me up. I saw that I was sitting in a church and as I sat there, a group of men rose to their feet and began to sing Hymns in a deep bass style. I noticed the singing was a‘dirge’ and old fashioned; in other words the style you would sing at a funeral. As I sat and listened to the songs, I tried to find a way within myself, to identify with the music and sing with the men. When they all stood up, they began to snake around the church building slowly; like we sometimes do, at revival meetings. I watched them move towards a large barrel of wine. I saw the first few men take small glasses and pour a small amount of wine, and then quickly drink and move on.

I asked the Lord;” What is this? “

His response was immediate. “ Get up and go and break bread and drink a glass of wine and intercede for the persecuted members of my Body that are suffering by being persecuted or are in jail for me, right now. “

I woke up and had communion with the Lord alone and began to pray for those in the Body of Christ who are suffering for their faith. Photos of Ministry Pastor Andre’s Blog South Korean Prophecy Contact Me Products and Payments more… If you think others will be interested in these prophetic Declarations please forward them to those whom you think will be interested.

Here is the lesson I learnt. We need to remember, Break Bread and have Communion to remember the persecuted church. To our shame we forget them and at times when we do remember, we issue a half hearted prayer for them. This must stop and we must earnestly pray for those who are persecuted and when we break bread we need to declare our concern and our prayers for these believers.

It might be an idea to laminate a small world map and when looking at the map, decide which country you will pray for, that are persecuting the Church. Get as much information from the net about that country and then go into intercession for the believers and for a revival amongst those people. Look at the map daily, to remind you, to intercede for the persecuted church.

I want you to look at the declarations made below over the countries. It has been awhile since the Lord prompted me to prophesy over the nations so I apologize if some of you were expecting more ‘Words.’ Remember we have to wait till the ‘Word of the Lord’ comes to us; not just speak and blabber because pressure is put on us to declare. We must rather wait and allow the Lord to confirm the words that he gives to us and when he gives the okay; we must be bold and courageous to declare ‘His Word’ and to prophesy.

The Palestinian People.

There is coming a monsoon like flood that will flood out the areas where the Palestinian people live. In particular, the Gaza area will suffer great damage from nature. Men’s hearts will fail them and there will be a great loss of life. There will be a howling and a weeping amongst the people. This will be a major disaster because the Lord has spoken against the people who hate Jacob. With their hearts so full of hate for Israel one can understand why the Lord said ‘Jacob I have loved but Esau have I hated.’ The Lord could see thousands of years ago the children of Esau being taught to hate the children of Jacob. This is unacceptable behavior by any nation before the Lord. Jeremiah 47.


For those countries that have backed Palestinian aggression against Israel and her democracy; God is not mocked. This is not about correct political decisions, this is about your rage against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But He who rules from the Throne in eternity will begin to withdraw his protection from the nations that oppose his plans. They will feel the full wrath of the judgment for their rebellion against the God of Creation. I declare that from now on and well into 2012 they will begin to see the signs of Gods judgment against them. The signs of judgments are violence amongst the population in the streets. Nature begins to war against the populace, with famine, floods and the shifting of the earth.

The third judgment is continual pestilences and diseases. In South Africa after we chose against Israel a former friend, we immediately suffered with floods and now in the last week, hurricanes that we have never heard of, swept through black residential areas causing extensive damage. I was encouraged when I saw that, because I saw once again the ‘Word of the Lord’ come to pass before my eyes. Jeremiah 14: v 11,12.


Please understand when we look at the nations of the world, their actions give us an indication of the direction we need for intercessory prayer. I believe we need to go into serious spiritual warfare against this nation and its leaders. We need to prophesy against them when we intercede. Take a picture of this country or its leaders and when you pray, you need to declare a word of judgment against the leaders of this nation who have a burning hatred for Israel and the sons of Jacob. My declaration is as follows:

“The Lord has laid a snare for you Iran; and you are captured because you strove against the Lord. The Lord has opened his armory and has brought forth weapons of his indignation.
Behold the Lord is against you, thou most proud, thy day has come and the Lord will now visit thee.
The most proud shall stumble and fall and none shall raise him up.
The Lord will kindle a fire in the cities and it shall devour all around him.
Israel’s Redeemer is strong- The Lord of Hosts is his name.
He shall thoroughly plead their cause and disquiet the inhabitants of Iran.”
Jeremiah 50: v 24

In 1998 I spent some time in Vanrynsdorp in the Karoo and at this time I began to get words from the Lord about the Nations of the world. At the same time I began to see changes come in our social life as well. I declared that marriage; its terms and definition would change within the next 20 years. I declared that marriage would be a contractual arrangement for children and be restricted to a certain time frame.

No longer; “married forever.”

I declared that polygamy would come back into fashion. We have seen leaders in our country openly practice multiple marriages without fear or rebuke. And I see that now in Mexico; contractual marriage has become an option. It simply means when the contract is up, the man or woman can move onto the next partner.

Family life as we know it is being questioned. It will then be eroded and finally destroyed. This will eventually destroy our western style of life and create various types of dysfunction within the family structure and thus change the way we live. The difference between right and wrong is becoming so faint, that we are calling good, evil and evil, good. Isaiah 59 V 16,19.

Keep the faith and stay true to the Lord Jesus.
Let his love be shed abroad in your hearts for the Nations of the World.
The Lord bless thee and keep thee, and call thee to minister His Word to all the Nations of the World.

Love, faith and Blessings
Pastor Andre V and Ursula